Women Have the POWER

In Relationships

On a Mission to Save Lives Emotionally

Through this incredible transformational work you are guided to become the best person you can be to attract what you really want in your life!

As successful as you are in other parts of your life, have you experienced frustration and disappointment in Love?

Allow me to expand your perception of who exists in the world for you so you can CHOOSE the right partner now!

Download my Recipe for Love with C.L.A.S.S.

If you are stuck in mediocrity, discover how a  breakthrough can free your spirit.

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I help single professionals who have experienced serial bad relationships elevate the quality of their choices.

City skyline of Los Angeles downtown in California during sunset from Echo Park with swan pedal boats on the lake

Participants will be entranced by the stories of other than conscious transformation that have expanded mediocre lives into fairy tales.


Discover the source of your flawed attractions

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Challenge your Limiting Beliefs with your new Identity

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Integrate your conscious and other than conscious mind to achieve congruent outcomes.

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