The Secrets of C.L.A.S.S.

What does Love with C.L.A.S.S. stand for?

It is a system that I developed more than 20 years ago with my very first client.

Step 1: C. for Clarity
One of a woman’s jobs in relationship is to get clarity about what she wants. I know that this is contrary to what most women have been raised to do. Women must be honest with themselves first, about what it is they want, and then they must be gut-level honest with their men and place an order as if from a menu for what they want. On the whole I have found that many women have a sense of what they want but they neglect to clearly define the specifics.

Step 2 : L for Love Yourself

The exercise involves meeting many members of the opposite sex who are not the people you would normally meet. In other words stretch your comfort zone.
This step looks like you are looking for a partner but it is simply doing research. It is very important that you not care whether he likes you, is attracted to you, or wants to seduce you, other than for feedback. You are not looking for a mate. You are learning about your own personal preferences. You are exploring your taste in men. This is an exercise and they are practice.
I recommend meeting forty new men in order to have a meaningful, intimate, conversation, to help you decide whether or not you like this person and why. Your focus must be on clarifying your preferences. During the course of this exercise, more will be revealed to you about yourself, and the type of men that you have been attracted to in the past. Keeping a journal of the encounters will afford you a detailed description of the person you are looking for later on.

Step 3 : A for Ask for What you Want

Learn how to ask anyone for anything. What are the important points to remember?
Acknowledge and ask the right person. Ask for exactly what you want. Appreciate anything that is delivered

Step 4: S for Success with the three essential ingredients of a loving relationship.

Chemistry: The easy one to identify.
Compatibility: Including the Deal Breaker issues that you have identified in Step 2.
Love with Respect: The respect is what supports honesty, integrity and vulnerability.

Step 5: S for Step up and Step out.

Once the first four steps have been mastered, anyone is ready to find a loving, committed relationship.

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