Is this what you want?

What is stopping you from having your dream relationship?

Sacred intimacy in a hot relationship?

More fun, more sex and less bickering?

What kind of woman must you become to have exactly what you want ?



This is the kind of B I T C H (Brave, Intelligent, Tenacious,Creative, Honest)  a woman has to be to get what she wants.  Enroll in my new course, now!  How to be a REALLY Nice Bitch starting in February. 

When all the women I touch in my work learn to internalize this concept and do it, the world will be a better place for both men and women.   Does being a nice bitch  sound like a contradiction?

I don’t think so.  It just means treating others openly, honestly and with respect.   It means saying what you mean and meaning what you say.  It means telling the truth and being vulnerable, as well as standing up for what you believe.


I have listened to  relationship gurus and read many books and what I find is many complicated formulas and hundreds of steps to take to improve a relationship.  The strategy that I recommend is very simple.

Women: Acknowledge and approve of your man.  ( BE NICE )

Know exactly what you want and ask for it. (EXPRESS YOUR APPETITE)

Appreciate what you get. (ACKNOWLEDGE MOVEMENT )


Men:  Give your woman what she asks for.



Women do the choosing and women do the ending of relationships. So if you don’t have what you want, its because you chose carelessly. Men want to produce results and will if you ask the right way and you have chosen the right man.  Beware though!  They don’t read minds and they don’t know what women want, they really can produce more if they are given direction.   Women must give up being mean, angry and vengeful about anything and spend most of their time defining what they want so they can express their appetite graciously and appreciate what they get.


Basically, that’s all it takes to have a hot relationship.   Of course, there are many variations and subtexts and agendas that can be applied, but it all boils down to the very basic premise that it is the woman’s job to express her appetite clearly so that her man can produce what she wants because he wants to.  Recognize that men are different than women.  Accept the fact that sex is part of the foundation of love and intimacy.   Although it’s only a small part of a total relationship, when sex is not good, it becomes a major problem and can lead to the complete destruction of love.

Finally, believe in each other.


Women, where do you start?   By taking care of yourself.  Making sure you get your needs met.  If there is no man in your life giving you nurturing, give it to yourself.  In order to attract a good man, you must be secure about who you are and you must have the self-esteem to ask for what you want.    I know I must sound like a broken record about this, but it is what works.


Women are so used to nurturing and taking care of others, that they forget to take care of themselves.

You don’t see men forgetting to get what they want, do you?  Granted, men seem to have fewer needs, most being happy with a bed, a refrigerator and a TV with a remote control.  ( Gentlemen, no offense meant!)   According this theory, a woman always raises the standard of living for a man.   It is her job.

Men are simple creatures, women are complex.  We can’t change that.  Accept it and be joyous about it.

If you want to learn to be a really nice Bitch, you can join my new class starting in February.






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