Never Settle for Less Than What You Want!
Settling for less than what you want in any situation is a critical point in every relationship. A woman must assume her power in the relationship or the relationship will suffer. The turning point in every relationship is when the woman recognizes that unless this man produces at the level to which she holds the bar, she will be settling and will give up her power.
Someone must steer the relationship and in a male-female relationship that must be the woman because she is the one who enhances the quality of life for everyone around her. A man does not care about taking the relationship anywhere. Men are not about relating. They are about producing.
Have you ever met a man who wanted to talk about, plan for, or discuss his relationship? A man will produce to the level of his woman’s appetite and no more. That is the bottom line to how relationship works. It’s certainly not the only strategy, but it is one that works. Why settle for less than a woman can imagine?