Women have the power in relationship

Men do not control women.  Women truly have the power in relationship. They just need to own that power.  Women are completely capable of accomplishing anything that a man can accomplish.  The masculine energy has since the beginning of our world taken issue with that fact.  Women have been dominated and controlled by masculine energy since the caveman days.

It is true that men are collectively stronger physically than women. Women however, have great pain tolerance, stamina, and equal brain power.  They have physical strength commensurate to their size.  The underhanded truth is that women control men in one very powerful way.  Women control access to their body and men are very driven by sex.  Ultimately this aspect of control that women have determines the viability of the human race.

Without a woman’s permission to touch, caress, or enter her body, man cannot complete the sex act nor procreate himself.  A purely male society would compel extinction without women.  This one fact infuriates men so much that they strive to control women in every other possible way.  These are primal urges that will persist in all cultures to various degrees.

It is possible for men and women to congenially, lovingly and passionately coexist in a society. That strategy involves appreciation and acknowledgement and gratitude for the differences between men and women by both men and women.   Such a society will be better off and synergistically more powerful and accomplished.   If only everyone could rid themselves of their preconceived notions about who they are, the world would be a better place.

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